
Die Projekte sind auf verschiedene Themen ausgerichtet, um die Menschen auf einem Weg der Neuorientierung, der Selbstentwicklung und zu einem neuen Verständnis der Schöpfung und ihrer inhärenten Prinzipien zu begleiten.

Unter Verwendung einer einzigartigen Verschmelzung von südamerikanischem Schamanismus und moderner Wissenschaft begleiten uns Projekte durch Angst, Schmerz, Stress und Überforderung und liefern Landkarten, Möglichkeiten, um die plötzlichen unerwarteten Ereignisse besser zu bewältigen, die uns sonst völlig aus unserer Mitte katapultieren und uns dazu bringen können, den Sinn unseres Lebens in Frage zu stellen.

Wir handeln außerhalb der Zeit, um Abdrücke in Ihrem Energiefeld zu beseitigen, die Ihre Reaktionen auf die Welt um Sie herum beeinflussen.  Wir stützen uns auf Wissenschaft, Ernährung und Epigenetik – die Wissenschaft davon, wie die Umwelt das eigene Wohlbefinden beeinflusst und wie ich sie aktiv für mein eigenes Wohlbefinden gestalten kann -, um eine Landkarte zu entwickeln, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihren persönlichen Lebensstil verändern und in Ihren Weg einbringen können.

Jede Person entscheidet selbst, wann sie in ein Projekt einsteigen will, wie schnell sie im Entwicklungsprozess vorankommen will, wie viel Zeit sie für jeden Entwicklungsschritt gibt und wie weit sie auf dem Weg voranschreiten will.

Alle Einzelwissensüberlassungen können auch über ZOOM oder WhatsApp durchgeführt werden.


Projects are designed around different themes to guide people along a path of reorientation, self-development, and to a new understanding of creation and its inherent principles. 

Utilizing a unique fusion of South American shamanism and modern science, projects move us through anxiety, pain, stress and excessive demands and provide maps, possibilities, to better manage the sudden unexpected events that can otherwise catapult us completely out of our midst and cause us to question the meaning of our lives.

We act outside of time to clear imprints in your energy field that are informing your reactions to the world around you.  We rely on science, nutrition, and epigenetics – how the environment affects one’s own well-being and how I can actively shape it for my own well-being – to develop a map that will enable you to transform your personal lifestyles into your path.

Each person decides for themselves when they want to enter a project, how fast they want to progress in the development process, how much time they give for each step of development, and how far they want to proceed on the way.

All individual knowledge sharings can also be conducted via ZOOM or WhatsApp.

Projects are designed around different themes to guide people along a path of reorientation, self-development, and to a new understanding of creation and its inherent principles. 

Utilizing a unique fusion of South American shamanism and modern science, projects move us through anxiety, pain, stress and excessive demands and provide maps, possibilities, to better manage the sudden unexpected events that can otherwise catapult us completely out of our midst and cause us to question the meaning of our lives.

We act outside of time to clear imprints in your energy field that are informing your reactions to the world around you.  We rely on science, nutrition, and epigenetics – how the environment affects one’s own well-being and how I can actively shape it for my own well-being – to develop a map that will enable you to transform your personal lifestyles into your path.

Each person decides for themselves when they want to enter a project, how fast they want to progress in the development process, how much time they give for each step of development, and how far they want to proceed on the way.

All individual knowledge sharings can also be conducted via ZOOM or WhatsApp.

Our projects:

The aim of this project is to get clarity around what is calling people, what special talents and abilities they do not (yet) live, what is preventing them from using and living them.

This project was developed especially for people who have the feeling that they have not yet arrived where they really belong in their lives, that something is missing in their lives, that something has not yet been recognized or implemented.

The aim of this project is to enable people to develop a new relationship to loss.  The levels of the soul, the mind, and the body are taken into consideration and receive attention; ambiguities and doubts are cleared up and possibilities for self-help are worked out so that body, mind, and soul come back into harmony and the person can find new ways of looking at the aspects of their life.

With this project, we accompany all those who feel that they have not yet come to terms with the loss of a loved one in their lives, and also people who are constantly confronted in their jobs with difficult circumstances that are perceived as emotionally challenging (e. g. nursing assistants, nurses, doctors, etc.).

The aim of this project is to use animal communication to bring clarity to the animal and owner, to reveal what is behind a strange behaviour and what the solution may be, so that a harmonious coexistence, often under completely new aspects, is possible again.

For thousands of years, animals have lived at our side as our companions. They often know us even better than the people who live with us. Occasionally they also act just like mirrors, showing us an aspect of our life that requires our attention, reveals an unresolved life topic to the person and thus enables the solution of the problem.