Workshops & Zeremonien

Wir teilen zwei Arten von zeremoniellen Workshops – Gruppenworkshops und Workshops für Einzelpersonen zu persönlichen Themen , sowie Workshops zu weiteren Themen. Für individuelle Information bitten wir Sie, direkt mit uns Kontakt aufzunehmen.


Zeremonien sind inspirierte Interaktionen, die wir gemeinsam in einem heiligen Raum gestalten.  Es gibt viele verschiedene Arten von Zeremonien, sie werden immer mit vollem Bewusstsein, in voller Klarheit und für das höchste Wohl vieler oder aller abgehalten und dienen so in allerhöchstem Masse der Selbsthilfe und der Herzensbildung.

»Das Leben ist eine Zeremonie in sich selbst – wert, mit einer Zeremonie gefeiert zu werden.« Angaangaq

Zeremonien für das tägliche Leben

Dieser Gruppenworkshop vermittelt, wie wir Zeremonien für unser tägliches Leben schaffen können, die uns in unserer Mitte halten oder uns dorthin zurückbringen. Diese alltäglichen Zeremonien berühren unser Innerstes und erlauben uns, uns zu verändern, ruhiger, entspannter, klarer und kreativer zu werden.

Zeremonien für universelle Erfahrung

Dieser Gruppenworkshop hilft uns, Zeremonien für kollektive Themen zu kreieren – Tod, Vereinigung, Trennung, Geburt usw. – Themen, die wir alle in unserem Leben erfahren.

Individuelle Zeremonien

In diesem Workshop lernen Sie, wie Sie individuelle Zeremonien gestalten können.  Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie einen Heiligen Raum schaffen können, um sich durch ein bestimmtes Gefühl, eine bestimmte Emotion, Situation oder Herausforderung zu bewegen, mit der Sie konfrontiert sind.  Dieser Workshop kann im Rahmen eines Einzelgespräches stattfinden oder eine Zusammenkunft von Personen Ihrer Wahl, die daran emotional beteiligt sind, miteinschließen.

Weitere Workshops:

Öffner des Herzens, Lichtstrahl für die Seele

In diesem Workshop werden wir erfahren, wie heilsam, zentrierend, beruhigend und klärend das Singen von Heilsamen Liedern für den Geist sein kann. Heilsame Lieder sind einfach, leicht zu erlernen und werden wie ein Mantra immer wieder wiederholt, so dass jede Zelle des Körpers mit dem Klang der eigenen Stimme in Resonanz treten kann. Gleichzeitig kommen wir durch das Mischen unserer Stimmen auch in Harmonie miteinander. Entscheidend ist die Freude am Singen, Freude an der Gemeinschaft und die Offenheit für die Erfahrung, der Musik, dem Gesang Gefühle anzuvertrauen.

Ein Workshop speziell für Frauen. Viele Frauen haben in ihrem Leben Situationen erlebt, die sie tief verletzt haben und sie manchmal an den Rand des Erträglichen gebracht haben. Gefühle der Hilflosigkeit, Ohnmacht, Hoffnungslosigkeit sind in diesen Momenten recht häufig.

In diesem Workshop werden wir gemeinsam Muster in unserem Leben herausfinden, die uns zu den gleichen Partnern führen und uns in die gleichen Situationen bringen – immer und immer wieder. Wir betrachten diese Themen intensiv, lösen sie auf und schaffen so den Weg für neue Erfahrungen.

Our workshops

More workshops:

Opener of the heart, ray of light for the soul

In this workshop we will experience how healing, centering, calming and clarifying for the mind the singing of healing songs can be. Healing songs are simple, easy to learn and are repeated over and over again like a mantra, so that every cell of the body can resonate with the sound of your own voice. At the same time, by mixing our voices, we also come into harmony with each other.

What is decisive is the joy of singing, of community, and openness to the experience of entrusting feelings to music, to singing.

A workshop (not only) especially for women. Many women have experienced situations in their lives that have deeply hurt them, sometimes bringing them to the edge of the bearable. Feelings of helplessness, powerlessness, hopelessness are quite common in these moments.

Also the feminine part in men often experienced suppression, sensibility and sensitivity were not allowed to be lived.

In this workshop, we will find out patterns in our lives that lead us to the same partners, and bring us into the same situations – again and again. We look at these issues, dissolve them and thus create the way for new experiences.

We share different types of ceremonial workshops, as well workshops in group settings, and workshops for individuals on personal topics. For individual information we kindly ask you to contact us directly.


Ceremonies are inspired interactions that we create together in a sacred space.  There are many different types of ceremonies, but they are always created with full consciousness, in full clarity, for the highest good of many or all, and thus serve in the highest degree of self-help and the formation of the heart. 

„Life itself is a ceremony worth celebrating with a ceremony.“ Angaangaq

Group Ceremony for Everyday Life

This workshop shows how to create ceremonies for our daily life that keep us in our midst or bring us back to it. These everyday ceremonies touch our innermost being and allow us to change, become calmer, more relaxed, clearer, and more creative.

Group Ceremony for Universal Experience

This workshop teaches us to create ceremony for collective themes – death, union, separation, birth, etc. – that we all experience in our lives.

 Personalized Ceremonies

This workshop teaches you how to create personalized ceremonies.  We teach how to create sacred space to move through a specific feeling, emotion, situation, or challenge you are facing.  These can be one-on-one or include a gathering of your choosing, people who are also emotionally involved.

We share different types of ceremonial workshops, as well workshops in group settings, and workshops for individuals on personal topics.


Ceremonies are inspired interactions that we create together in a sacred space.  There are many different types of ceremonies, but they are always created with full consciousness, in full clarity, for the highest good of many or all, and thus serve in the highest degree of self-help and the formation of the heart. 

„Life itself is a ceremony worth celebrating with a ceremony.“ Angaangaq

Group Ceremony for Everyday Life

This workshop shows how to create ceremonies for our daily life that keep us in our midst or bring us back to it. These everyday ceremonies touch our innermost being and allow us to change, become calmer, more relaxed, clearer, and more creative.

Group Ceremony for Universal Experience

This workshop teaches us to create ceremony for collective themes – death, union, separation, birth, etc. – that we all experience in our lives.

 Personalized Ceremonies

This workshop teaches you how to create personalized ceremonies.  We teach how to create sacred space to move through a specific feeling, emotion, situation, or challenge you are facing.  These can be one-on-one or include a gathering of your choosing, people who are also emotionally involved.

More workshops:

Opener of the heart, ray of light for the soul

In this workshop we will experience how healing, centering, calming and clarifying for the mind the singing of healing songs can be. Healing songs are simple, easy to learn and are repeated over and over again like a mantra, so that every cell of the body can resonate with the sound of your own voice. At the same time, by mixing our voices, we also come into harmony with each other.

What is decisive is the joy of singing, of community, and openness to the experience of entrusting feelings to music, to singing.

A workshop (not only) especially for women. Many women have experienced situations in their lives that have deeply hurt them, sometimes bringing them to the edge of the bearable. Feelings of helplessness, powerlessness, hopelessness are quite common in these moments.

Also the feminine part in men often experienced suppression, sensibility and sensitivity were not allowed to be lived.

In this workshop, we will find out patterns in our lives that lead us to the same partners, and bring us into the same situations – again and again. We look at these issues, dissolve them and thus create the way for new experiences.